Japanese antique kimono stall01 Japanese antique kimono stall02 Japanese antique kimono stall03 Japanese scene


A lot of Kimonos used for decades in Japan
is now laid in the drawers all over the country.

The stoles made out of those kimonos have
incomparable gracefulness inspired by the seamstresses.

Put old clothes together with prayers.
stall of yerrow 只一ツ-tadahitotsu- satll of black 只一ツ-tadahitotsu-只一ツ-tadahitotsu-の黒ストール

Over a century, succeeded from generation to generation,kimonos have spent their lives with their owners.
They have mother's love and prayers to her family.
We have brought those kimonos back to life as the handmade stoles.
You can feel the warmth and taste of handwork as well as the history of people in the fabric.